Montessori preschool offer
Hi all, I'm struggling with a preschool decision.
My 2.5 YO was offered a placement next year in the 3-6 program at a highly regarded Montessori school.
Three months ago I would have jumped at the chance. We did the baby classes at the school since she was 3 months, then the toddler classes and very familiar with the set up and I love the philosophy.
Because it didn't seem likely we would get a spot for next year, we accepted another offer from a highly regarded daycare. She has been there for three months. It runs til the age 5. After which, we have acceptances at a few other private schools. There is no strict philosophy - it is a Japanese run daycare. But the waitlist is huge, their reviews stellar and their national quality ratings is amongst the best. She is well loved, cared for, and thriving in many areas.
She loves it, she attends two days a week. And with me the other 3 days doing various activities.
I'm posting this because I don't want to destabilise her again. We loved her old daycare (Emilio Reggio) but knew she could excel somewhere else. She was the oldest and now she is the youngest. I believe she is excelling - at least that is what several of the educators say. I'm not sure they should be so vocal about it but they mention how smart, how engaged, and what a joy she is in their class. Her speaking and thought process and sentence construction would be on par if not better than the 3.5YOs I am told.
I have about two weeks to decide but if this was you what other considerations should I be looking at?
How much would sending her to Montessori preschool for the next three years move the needle?
She would be going from two full days (12hrs per week), to 5 days 3.5hrs a day. (17.5hrs per week)
My biggest concerns when we did the toddler playroom, was that she was smaller and the older bigger toddlers would be aggressive towards her, take her toys, attempt to hit her with (wooden) toys etc. she much more assertive now and able to speak up when she doesn't like what someone else is doing. But 3-6 is a large age gap. She does love older kids but I'm worried she may get hurt/bullied.