Question - when can I cut back my milkweed plants?
Hi all, I'm new to the sub, so please don't be too harsh about what might be a dumb question.
I planted milkweed last year, as a totally newbie home gardener in Washington DC. I must have chosen a bad set up for the plant, bc this year a bunch of huge milkweed plants came in (I'm talking like 5ft tall) and they are all falling over into my driveway. I want to cut them back - they obstruct foot traffic and are (frankly) an eyesore, but I'm worried that I'll inadvertently destroy eggs in the process.
I don't SEE any eggs, but i have several plants and I'm worried I will miss them. So does anyone know approximately when eggs typically hatch in Washington DC?? I figure that tlit will be safer to cut back the plants after that date.
Thank yoy all for any helpful advice you can offer!