Screen time
I don't really know the point of this post but maybe to see what others think and maybe not feel so guilty about it?
I work from home for a company (25 hours) and I work with social media as a content creator. I often rely on screen time for my toddler so l can get work done. I've been trying to go to the gym so he has social/play time at daycare and I have some time to myself. When we get home l usually turn on the tv and work for a little while, then he has lunch and naps. When he wakes up it's usually snack time and he watches more so I can work and after an hour or two I turn off to interact and play with him until my husband gets home from work and can take care of him.
He does get a good amount of screen time specially during the winter because it's SO cold where I live. How do you not feel guilty about letting them watch a lot of tv? I don't think it would be smart to put him in daycare financially and I also love being able to stay with him but sometimes it's a lot mentally because I feel like I'm failing him sometimes by letting him watch so much tv.
He isn't addicted, if I turn it off and go play with him he doesn't cry at all or complain. He is also 26 months for reference.