Just finished….. wow

I don’t have any friends that have read this series so I’m just going to vent here because I just have to talk about it.

THIS TRILOGY WAS SO FUCKING GOOD. Everything was wrapped up so nicely, that epilogue was beautiful.

VIN HAVING THAT EAR RING IN SINCE THE FIRST BOOK WTF I almost threw my book against the wall when I read that, it makes so much sense, everything just fit into place.

Sazed, losing his faith, struggling with it the whole book, only to put his metalminds back on and realise the hero of ages “holds the wolf in his arms” and using thousands of years of collective knowledge to rebuild the world.

I could go on for ages about how just everything came together, reens voice, the mists pulling away, the Lord rulers reign, the mists killing people/what the mists were, the atium stores , why atium is destroyed by allomancy, what are kolos/kandra, Kane hearing “the funny thing is, you were never mad” just before he died, how vin could pierce copper clouds. Just everything.

Sorry if this makes no sense it’s 4am and I read the last 350 pages in one go. This was such an amazing trilogy, read the first mistborn November and my New Year’s resolution was to read more books, I fear I may have set the bar too high.

I’m going to start the storm light archive in a couple days, hope that it lives up to the hype.

Thanks for reading in in-cohesive rambles, I’m going to bed now hahahaha