How can I stop blaming myself?
Hi all, I'm new to all of this. Me and my partner lost our first over the weekend. I was 5-6 weeks and it had all happened so quickly. we went from having our first scan and seeing our little bean to then losing it 2 days after, and only finding out the week previous I was pregnant. It has shattered us both, and during the grieving process I've started to put the blame on myself. I know in my head that it was no ones fault. That in the first trimester it's down to the fetus itself. But there's something in me that keeps telling me it's because I drank too much caffeine one day, or it's because me and my partner was still having sex frequently (pregnancy hormones where intense) or it's because I vape, or it's because my weight and my diet, or it's because of stress I was having. I can't stop not blaming myself in some aspect. Regardless of how many times I have been told by my partner or health care professionals or myself that it isnt my fault, I am putting it all onto myself. And it's making me feel so so guilty. Has anyone else experienced this and know a way to cope? I am also struggling processing the whole situation as it had all happened so quickly. It's left me in a strange headspace. Any help will be appreciated (: thank you