[H]Space Marines/Black Templar [W]$$$, Eldar, CSM [Loc] New Jersey, US


Here is the lot, I split it into official GW models on left and 3D prints on right. in terms of legal GW units (non 3D prints) Grimaldus plus entourage Helbecht Emperor's Champion Converted Marshal Lieutenant Terminator Captain Phobos Lieutenant

10x assault intercessors 5x intercessors 5x heavy intercessors 10x sword brethren 10x tshirt gun marines that I forget the actual name of 5x phobos marines (its the kill team kit I use as incursors)

1x Mini dreadnaught 1x Brutalis dreadnaught

3D prints 1x Redemptor Dreadnaught 1x Ballistus Dreadnaught 10x Jumppack intercessors 10x Rocket Launcher/Lascannon marines 5x Terminators

I'm fine splitting off the BT units if you're just looking for space marines. Looking for $500 for all the GW Stuff, $350 without BT. Can discuss 3D prints. Also looking to start Eldar so if you have that for exchange, or CSM, I may be interested.