Kids whose parents were strict with TV growing up, did it benefit you?

Im a parent now and “no screen time” is heavily encouraged. The big difference between now and when I was a kid is that we all have TV’s in our pocket and kids can watch anywhere. But no screen time is nothing new and was preached in the 90’s too. I had friends that were banned from turning on the tv and if they could they could only watch educational shows like Sesame Street, no Ninja Turtles, GI Joes, or anything with fighting. Absolutely no video games at all.

My parents weren’t strict at all about tv. I had a tv in my room with cable and video games. I was probably an anomaly because I was never really into video games nor became addicted to TV. I’d much rather do an activity than watch TV. My parents also weren’t strict about what I watched, I watched MANY R rated movies when I shouldn’t have.

I totally get the benefits of “no screen time” but I think if you’re to restrictive with your kids or totally ban things that are normal to others, kids will rebel when they are out of the house.