anybody abused tianeptine in the past?

So im kind of a unique case in my clinic because i never used heroin or IV'ed. My DOC was the antidepressant tianeptine. its legal in my country and prescribed as 12.5mg 2/3 times per day. Once i got it prescribed i had no idea how addictive it was. i learned that higher amounts give euphoria and didnt believe it. but once i tried i felt much better. that was the first opioid high i ever had.

so because tianeptine is so short acting it has this rush, even when taken orally, your brain is all fuzzy and tingling and such and its such an addictive part of it. at my worst i was faking prescriptions, then i started ordering pure tianeptine powder and used several grams per day. The pupils were pin point and now i remember how i nodded out the first times i didnt realize it.

at the time i also had experience with codeine and kratom. used 900mg of codeine per day, sometimes more. After experience with tianeptine my tolerance shot so high that neither codeine nor kratom worked at all.

when i got into the clinic i failed to quit and they put me on methadone. only at 40mg i started feeling relief, so how bad my tolerance had to be? if normal people get high off of 10mg..

sometimes i think its a mistake but i would have honestly looked for heroin eventually. i know that.

now that im done i havent touched tia in many years. dabbled with lyrica, quit that too.