Study material
Hello everyone, hope studies are treating yall well. I was hoping to post here and see what useful input/ideas you all might give me. I’m studying for the MCAT at this particular moment and have been since December 2nd. My test date is 5/3.
I’m having issues with Biology & Chemistry as in NOT that I suck at it but that I’ve taken those courses about 3 years ago and honestly I’m having a hard time remembering anything of the basics and even the mid content. What could yall recommend to use as study tools or places online I can review these things?
I have access to “The Princeton Review” Books and online material, as well as everything AAMCAS has. But so far the material seems to be more in depth into already knowing these things.
Any resources or tips would be extremely helpful. I’ve seen many posts on here on resources but I don’t know that I’ve seen any people asking of similar situations so I wanted input ☺️
Anything would help!