I started content review w the Kaplan and MilesDown deck. Recently, I decided to switch to the Jack sparrow deck. I wanted to give it a shot, and it showed me how many gaps I have in my content.
I test Aug 18 and I’m at ch 8 or 9 in each of the 5 books. And 170 or so pages through the 300 page doc.
I’d like to take my first Kaplan exam June 29th, and then take an AAMC prac exam every Saturday pretty much until the exam.
I’m having some doubts because I hear so many people say to not worry about content. Is 7 weeks enough time for the practice phase? With the Jack sparrow deck, I feel like I’ll be really good w content. Does anyone have recommendations?
I also don’t know if I will be able to do UWorld. Anki takes up a lot of time, and I’m wondering if the AAMC prac questions is enough. Maybe I’m just freaking out. Do you guys see any flaws w my timeline?