Questions from someone who wants to try and play
So a relative gave me this game for my birthday. I've been reading the guidebook and I genuinely think this game sounds like it could be a lot of fun. I especially enjoy the chapters about world-building. My main issue here is that I've never once played a TRPG game. I don't really have many people that would play with me either. So I have a few questions about trying to play this… - is there a way to get the online version without having to pay for the digital book? (I have the physical copy) - any way I could possibly play one player? (My sister as the player and me the DM) - Is there any way to download free adventure guides to help us start? - What is the easiest way for beginners to play - is it okay if I don’t have the marvel dice? I have regularly DND dice which my relative gave me alongside the book - Best way to get maps?