What is an unpopular view you hold about marriage?

Friends and I had this discussion last night and I was shocked by some of the answers. The question was 'If you didn't have to worry about being judged or cancelled, what is one unpopular opinion you hold about the marital relationship?"

My answer was that your relationship with your in-laws is a gift to your partner. My in laws were shite, but I treated them well, was kind, considerate, attended family events, threw them birtheday parties, fostered relationships between our children and them etc etc. Not for them, but for my husband. They died a few years back, by my husband is still grateful for the way I treated them and that it made the time he did have with them, special and easy.

So, I would love to hear your unpopular opinion about marriage.

P.S Please try your hardest to contain your judgement and not to smash other people's opinions. Be curious, challenge yourselves instead, ask questions, try to understand.