Anti-government Rebelions all over Serabexia
After poor control of riots and little care to the protests, the riots grew into rebelions all accros the country what wants to take over current government and reform it, this faction isn't funded by anyone and its souly against the current government. Because of the rebelions, some of the major but still minor cities were taken and some rebelions are even in the outbacks and near the capital cities. I wonder how will this end. (Out of rp: im trying to make like rebelion where j control all of the rebel groups, so no Amervia (or whatever is it called now) members will help me, mexico you cant control the Mexican rebel groups or Filipexia for that amtter because i would sometimes be asleep or doing something and couldn't fend you off (sometimes you do unrealistic updates). So this civil war will be many, but i mean many rebelions fighting against the govorment and each other, so this is just a start with one rebelions, so imma say it again, OTHER COUNTRIES DONT DO UPDATES FOR REBELLIONS!!!!!!)