***I HATE OLD MEN*** (TW, about SA)
lit just a few hours ago a stupid old man spoke to me, I sat next to him in a mall because there weren't any seats left while I was waiting for my take out, and this dude decided to touch my shoulder and talk to me, asking my NAME AGE AND LOCATION, of course, I told him fake names and location yk yk, this old man looked like he was ancient, stinky and he smelt like cigarettes, he looked like a really really dried up raisin, he touched my shoulder, caressed it, laughed how could not hear him well because he could not speak properly, he acted as he knew me, but I felt so fucking creeped out, his intentions radiated off of him like a smoke signal
FYIive been SA'd multiple times so of course I was so shaken up by this LITTLE thing, shit his face was so close I was so damn close to fucking his teeth up even more than it actually looked, IMMEDIATELY took a damn bath.
this mall was abundant, a lot of people saw but they just stared at me like nothing was happening, I was looking at them to at least act like someone I knew and get me away from that weirdo, its was always the old people who do this to me just WHAT THE FUCK.