VIP Charter constant bugs
Anyone else experiencing this issue when flying a VIP charter (maybe other missions but I haven't tried them), and the mission progress jumps back to an earlier waypoint when flying IFR? Typically it is happening just before approach, the display has a waypoint for final but the mission step requires me to fly to waypoint on the flight plan that has already been reached.
I can't complete the missions when this happens because everything just bugs including ATC, can't even obtain clearance. If I land at the airport I can tune to ground and taxi to parking but the mission steps never update so I can't complete the job.
This wasn't a problem 2 days ago when I last played, was pretty stoked to play today as I have the day off and this problem has been really disappointing
It might be worth noting that I am flying the actual flight plan and not hitting all the blue boxes on the way, because I actually want a sim not whatever that is supposed to be