Nursing Student Seeking Advice: How to Get More Involved in Extracurriculars and Management


I’m currently a nursing student, and lately, I’ve been feeling motivated to seek out more extracurricular opportunities—especially after seeing others on socials doing incredible things like advocating for mental health, mentoring, and showcasing their projects and frameworks. It’s inspiring, but also overwhelming. 😅

I’d love to get involved in health promotion activities or other opportunities that could help me grow personally and professionally. The thing is, I’m not sure where to start or how to find these opportunities at MRU. I’ve done volunteer work before (like at a drop-in shelter, AHS and currently aiming toward the Alpha House), but I didn’t feel like I was part of a community and making a big difference in the past opportunities—I was just doing it for my own goals of working towards making a difference in giving back to the community.

So, I’m looking for advice on a few things:

  • How can I find and get involved in meaningful extracurricular opportunities (especially in health promotion or advocacy)?
  • What are some great ways to make a difference in the community but also be able to balance between school, work, and personal life?
  • Any suggestions for improving my clinical skills/judgement (like head-to-toe assessments etc ) to boost my confidence and academic performance via extracurricular activities?

Thanks in advance for any help or advice you can offer. I want to turn things around and make the most of this time in my life.