Grumps that melt for their love interests???

Hello! I want to ask if anyone had any reccs for mm stories where MC1 is grumpy, a literal sour faced sorehead to the point where the ppl around him can joke about it and he would just go "hrmmph😠"

...until he meets MC2. I want MC1 to be so enamoured that he's almost falling over himself. He doesn't realise how differently he treats MC2 compared to other people, and is almost embarrassed about it when others notice or comment on it. I don't mind insta love, or if these actions and/or feelings grow over time to reach this point. I want MC1 to be very conscious of mc2, like he wants to appear more attractive to him, tries to be kind to the point that it's over the top. I want to read it and be almost shocked at how different he could be from before he met MC2.

(I read a non mm book called The Swallows of Kabul - about the hardships of early day Taliban rule. It was weird but I really liked the character Attiq, who was so stony and cold to the point that people thought him heartless, and yet he melted at the sight of the female protagonist and it made me wonder if I could find something similar in a different genre.)

Please no : Poly / Whattpad / Cheating / MMM / AO3

I don't mind dark themes and I'm fine with HEA or HFN endings.