Unpopular Opinion on this Subreddit I believe
I get that Gameloft caters to the comics, but the amount of variants they’ve been providing for the past couple of years now have been absolutely annoying and such a cash grab. It takes away the aspect of what made MLP what it was. There’s so many ponies and creatures from the show they haven’t even bothered to release yet we keep receiving different variants of the mane 6.
Not to mention, it takes up space. They would create the most ugliest and non themed buildings with the rest of ponyville. I don’t want to keep receiving buildings like an alien tower that would never be seen in the actual franchise.
How is no one else tired? Everytime I look on the subreddit someone’s excited to spend 300 gems on one of the mane 6 characters because they’re dressed up as like a pirate or something. Can’t they use the boutique and make the variants there?
It just gets to a point in the gameplay where you forget you’re rebuilding all the towns in equestria because Luna took over, so everyone that once lived there needs to come back and resurrect equestria. That entire plot line has just like left the game and they’re just dropping the same things over and over.
The point of my rant is, I feel like if more people were vocal about how annoying the variants are, more people would be motivated to go through the repetitiveness of some of the events. Because me personally, I’m not motivated to go through this week event just to earn a deer Cozy Glow…especially when they rarely offer the regular one. It’s a cheap cop out.