Interested in getting a lovebird. Anything i should know?
So Im interested in getting a lovbird, but would like to know all the pros and cons of this species (and ig birds in general) before i start getting too deep into the idea, so it would be extremely helpful if you guys could tell me a bit about your birbs and answer some of my questions. xd
Would a 51x30x60,5cm cage be good enough for a single love bird, or would i need a bigger one?
Are they cuddly? I recently lost my 6 yr old degu and that lil guy was so godamn cuddly- he would not care what he was doing or where he was, as long as he got to be by my side and, well, i kinda miss that. just having somone by my side no matter what you're doing.
So can lovebirds be like that atleast sometimes? or do they just prefer always being on the move and zooming around lolwould they need a bed or a tiny bird house inside the cage to sleep in?
How noisy are they? I'd have them in my room if i'd get one, so it would be nice to know if they sleep during the night or if they will chirp, scream and sing thru it xd
How do your birds act and whats their personality? Do you like having them?