Each Queen in 2 sentences.

Tina: i lost my leg but I gotta dick for you to suck. AGP came back as a cockroach and lives in my doublewide with me... -Angry yelling- Becky: money makes me a good trad wifey. The only thing more over inflated than my Havard degree is my cup size. Grace: guys don't mind my daddy in the background, he's somehow my biggest simp and also my predator dom daddy. Everyone is a liar but me, I'm clearly the pretty one here, and ill say or do aaaanything for money and praise. Uwu Linx: i literally constantly lie, scheme, leak dms and then play the victim and you are all so stupid to keep allowing me anywhere near anything important. I still can't tell if chat or graces dad is simping harder over me, look how clearly important i am. Also grace, the uwu is my thing, you whore.

That episode was rough. I expected a little more comradery from the hosts, and instead they all backstab eachother at like every turn. Tina tried at the end but man, too little too late.