The REAL reason why Wings is being made to do punishments!
100% purely to satisfy Keem's ego, it is 100% about control, getting Wings to do something he doesn't want to do demonstrate his submission to Keem so Keem can feel like he is the big man in charge with all the money. It is why Keem got so pissed off when Tommy C wouldn't sign the NDA and why he got so pissed a DSP for not giving into his demands.
That is why it is so much funnier when Wings refuses to do a punishment or purposely messes up a punishment, Keem is the biggest lolcow on the show and watching him get felted is so much funnier that whatever punishment they throw at Wings, Which is why I say don't let em bring you down Wings! Keep resisting champ! Don't let Keem and Boogie push you around!
Also Boogie telling Wings to stop taking his anti depressants so they can get rage moments out of him? What a piece of shit!