Best tasting strains 🍭

I'm all about terpenes I'll take some 20% THC flower that tastes like straight gassy diesel over some 30% shit that tastes just good. Been smoking for over 22 years lived in a few cities so I know what I'm looking for. I want to know from experienced smokers what has had the most flavor from lit. Even if it's not in stock now. If you're not experienced please don't comment. Personal first hand experiences and please list your method of smoking. So far my favorites have been the lit OG and the Donny Burger. Donny really came to life after a month in a jar. At first A sweet grapefruit nose to it but pallet in a joint or bowl is A complex sweet cheesy earthy flavor that really sits with you. I absolutely love it. Not like other Donny Burger I had from dispos. Liked it so much I got an elbow. Thanks everyone stay grateful stay lit!