How do I stop being a loser

I'm past my mid 20s already, and it feels like I've never truly pushed myself or achieved anything remotely fulfilling. I've always been slow to learn and easily distracted, and to make it worse, I'm easily frustrated when having a hard time understanding something, so I did poorly in school and now my only "talent" is playing video games, which I use in quotation because I'm pretty average at that too.

It feels like the answer has always been so simple, that I should just try harder, but I'm so weak willed. Anything in my life that brings even slight amounts of challenge is met with avoidance and disdain.

This weak will of mine has affected so many parts of my life. I'm a shut in who hasn't had a job for over a year. I spend most of my time stoned watching tv, fapping, scrolling, gaming, or listening to music, and I eat whenever I'm bored, so I'm extremely overweight.

I've done a lot of reflecting over the last half year, and it's hard to stomach what a genuine loser I've realized I am. I already knew that I was in a rough spot for a long time before now, but it's only dawned on me just recently how bad it actually is. My life is an endless cycle of self serving dopamine rushes with tiny intermissions where I actually act like a functioning person when I have to.

I've tried to better myself in the past, but it's never worked. It always just felt like I was on a time limit until I didn't care and stopped putting my full attention into it. I've only just recently been able to make a semi long term improvement to my life for the first time with my own effort. I've kept up with my hygiene and sleep schedule every day for slightly over a month now and embarrassingly, I didn't use to do that. I've been more productive lately, and I've put more care into my environment.

At first, I was proud of the progress I was making, and to a degree I still am, as I haven't slipped with waking up on time or taking a shower and brushing my teeth even when I really don't want to. Lately however, I've felt myself slipping again, like that pre mentioned time limit is starting back up. I made goals for myself to not fap as much and to stop watching youtube shorts, and I wasn't able to make any suitable progress. I'm finding myself avoiding the dishes or other chores again. Days will go by, and I realize I haven't done anything aside from look at a screen.

I just feel lost, like I'm always wandering in the dark and I can't ever find the right path unless someone spoon feeds me the answer. I don't want to be this person anymore. I'm insecure, I'm super awkward, and I'm completely unreliable. It makes me a bad family member and friend.

I find myself thinking that maybe if I had an actual passion for something that things could change, that if I had a dream or a calling that I could finally be inspired enough to turn my life around, but I'm starting to think that's just me fantasizing about having more direction in life than I do now. I've had things I liked before that I was passionate about, but I never put the work in. I've liked drawing and art since i was very young, but I stopped in my teens and never improved. I love music and think it would be a blast to be good with an instrument, but I never put in the work. I used to really like to dance, but I became less active

The worst part is that sometimes I just don't care. For what feels like my whole life now, I've been so comfortable with complacency. I want to be better, I want to be someone I can be proud of. I just need to learn how to change for real