Name suppression and the courts.
Would like some clarity as to how name suppression works in NZ.
If a person is on bail and has name suppression, I understand that the court may extend that name suppression or the person may apply to extend it.
What is the actual process here? Would a court be likely to extend name suppression without a lawyers input?
I've had a look at the criminal procedures act, but the specifics aren't outlined, just that they could.
If a person was arrested, on bail and had name suppression ending on, lets say october 1st, would the court automatically renew that name suppression to mid november if the person had not had sentencing or trial? Is there a form that the person would need to be privvy too, is it normally something that originates with the lawyer of the person?
I guess, what im really asking is if 'the court just decided to extend name suppression' would ever be a true statement, excluding instances where there are obvious harms to victims if not the case.
FWIW: I am not the person going through this process, the person involved has a lawyer naturally. Some clarity of the actual process / resources to udnerstand the process are sorta what im after.
I hope i've been clear enough.