Ruthless Efficiency Clarifications

I'm attending my first RTT this month and so doing my homework to play the best 40k I can and give everyone a fun and fair game. Obviously I want to be able to explain my army and list to all of my opponents since I'm sure not all of them will have played into Votann before.

So a couple of questions about our Rules here.
Should I mark the bodyguard unit or the character at the start of the game? I think unit.

When the Unit splits i.e. just the character survived, do they retain the tokens? I think they do.

If I kill the bodyguard unit but not the character does it trigger Ruthless and generate the CP next Command phase? I think it does.

Cheers for the clarity Kyn.

Edit: Answered. Currently killing a body guard unit but not the characters does not reward the CP from ruthless efficiency. All must be eliminated to reward the CP.