What do you wish you knew, starting Votann?
I am going to try and phrase this a bit differently then the normal "What to buy?" "Is it worth it?" "What is best?" questions that I am sure pop up a lot.
I am new to League of Votann, literally having Just now placed an order for a combat patrol box.
I am also new(ish) to 40k, having returned only just now from 5th and 6th edition (where I played foot-slogging Ork hordes).
I chose League of Votann for a few reasons: 1. I prefer bulkier models, because I'm a bit of a klutz and frail Eldar-esque models would not survive in my collection long
I love Scandinavian lore, which drew me to space wolves back in the day, but I never truly took the leap.
Dwarves are cool.
But besides all that, my question for you is:
What do you wish you knew, when you where first getting into League of Votann? Any tricks? Any tips? Any warnings? Interesting stories?