Leadership or posing?
I seem to be struggling more and more in my current position (two years) and I am not sure where to turn. I work in academic leadership and according to my job description, I should be more autonomous and be able to make decisions in sensitive situations involving people and finance. However, my boss seems to be micromanaging all those details and I find myself extremely disappointed. Despite my abilities, experience and capacity, I have to seek approval on every decision. If I express my expertise, it is either ignored or shows as an annoyance on my boss’s face. I have asked my boss for a meeting to discuss my job description as well as the scope of my duties and this meeting has not happened. It had been planned, but something else always gets in the way. I have been waiting for this meeting for two years. I am starting to suspect that rather than leading, my job is to pass messages from top to bottom and keep my reports happy while at the same time not giving them crucial information to do their jobs. I am not sure where to turn to in the organization so here, I am looking for Reddit wisdom. Thank you.