Below-Median GPA at T14. What do?
Hey everyone,
Just got my first semester 1L grades back. I got a 3.033. I'm at a T14, and the curve is to a 3.3, so I am obviously extremely disappointed. I'm obviously below median, but I have no idea just how far, as my school does not list class ranks, and I have no other available data points to use for the TLS class rank calculator.
The question is: what do I do now? I already have a summer position (secured through networking) at a BigLaw firm in my goal market, but I am extremely unsure and anxious about how to proceed in law school. I feel like an imposter at my school and among my classmates, like I don't deserve to be here. I know I need to bring up my GPA for OCI at the end of the summer/early fall, but I'm not sure by how much, and exactly how to do so. Family and friends are sympathetic and supportive, but the disappointment is palpable, and I feel frustrated and anxious.
Pretty sure if I posted on TLS they'd tell me to drop out, but I don't think that's a particularly good idea since I do have a position at a V100 firm for the summer (and they made it clear that if things work out, they will be an option for a 2L summer associate position) and I have a large scholarship to my school. I suppose I'm looking for advice on turning around my 1L year (or advice on anything tbh), and perhaps some inspirational stories about going from bottom half to summa cum laude or some shit. I also assume things like Law Review are totally out of the question for me at this point?