Can I laser my eyebrows?
Not completely off obviously lmao.
I just get tired of having to shave my unibrow every other day, and trim them down to look more feminine like once a week because of how fast and bushy they grow.
Milan uses the Candela GentleMax Pro laser, which has alexandrite and nd yag both in it. I’m already going to them for full face and neck and had my first session 8 days ago.
Would not eyebrows count under “full face and neck”? Would I be able to tell her to hit it when I go in next time and not be charged for it, or is eyebrows a whole other thing? Or is it something I can even do or they’d even be willing to do?
I know it’s very close to eyes so I’d think if anything they might refuse to do it for safety and liability reasons, but I don’t know for sure.