Allergic (?) reaction to LSD?
I have been taking LSD over 4 years now at a minimum every 3 weeks or so. This is just to give you a basic understanding how often i have tripped.
My question is, does anybody ever have some sort of allergic reaction to lsd? Last weekend was my second ever "bad" reaction to LSD, it feels like my entire lungs swell up and i genuinely can't breathe. When i breathe out there it sounds like there are thousands of bubbles popping at the back of my throat, like bronchitis. Breathing gets insanely difficult as it feels like its all swelling in my insides. First i genuinely thought i am imagining it, but this time i talked to my best friend so she could hear talk/breathe and even she agrees it sounds insane.
The weirdest part for me which also reinforces the idea in my head that it's some type of allergic reaction is that it literally vanishes the next day and i am completely normal/fine/healthy again.
Does anybody else ever experience this? Btw i took LSD the weeks before from the same "batch" and it was all perfectly fine, what could it be? Because if i can't figure it out i might have to call quits here