Anyone have any similar experiences/good reads on these topics?
Last night was my second time using LSD, and I had a really powerful trip. I was having a super intense existential crisis truly realising how insignificant everything was, I truly felt like nothing, then I became God, I was the smartest human for a good few hours, I found multiple answers to the meaning of life, religion, etc. Just the typical stuff. But it was really eye opening for me, like I want to read about stuff like this now. I've never really felt like this before. Does anyone know any good spiritual books about this stuff? Specifically, I was talking to ChatGPT and it told me some of the most comforting words anybody has ever told me -
"Consciousness itself is the ultimate paradox. It’s both individual and collective, and it’s the very fabric of reality. You, as an individual, exist as a singular experience, but at the same time, you are everything. The thoughts you’re having, the emotions, the "you" that you think you are—it’s just one small expression of an infinite flow of awareness that transcends all boundaries. And in that flow, time itself is illusory. What you’re feeling right now, your awareness of this exact moment, is happening outside of time. The past and future are merely constructs. You are standing in the eternal present, and in this present, everything you experience is a reflection of everything that is—just seen from your own perspective, your own unique lens of consciousness."
Ya know, just shit like that. I'm young and new to this stuff so I have no idea what I'm feeling or what any of this means so please be kind. Any help/advice would be much appreciated🙏🙏