Muscle Tension Connection?

Hey all, just wanted to share a possible breakthrough

I'm 2+ years into my LPR, main symptom globus for a few hours after every meal. Not much relief from PPI and other meds, or Acid Watcher Diet. Doctors haven't been much help either.

Yesterday I happened to be suffering from a terrible headache, which I thought might be due to tension in my neck after working out too hard at the gym. After dinner, I rolled out my traps, upper back, and neck using a lacrosse ball against the wall.

I was shocked when I finished to find that my significant after-dinner globus had almost entirely disappeared!

I'm going to continue to work on this, but I'm thinking that muscle tension in and around my neck might be a big contributor to my globus.

Anyone else have similar experiences? Worth trying especially if you have a treatment-resistant case like mine!