WTS - Custom Peña Mula, Garcia Mini Zulu
Timestamp - https://imgur.com/a/oEpF0Ii
Peña Mula - 650ppgs - https://imgur.com/a/3Yg7bvh
This has been carried and used lightly. It’s an older Mula and the all Ti variations are hard to come by. It’s slightly off center, I haven’t done much to try and fix. I also added the timascus clip, i no longer have the original clip. Small snails on the Ti but the blade doesn’t show wear. Action is great! Comes with Peña taco pouch.
Javi Garcia Mini Zulu - 725–> GONE - https://imgur.com/a/bZITt9S
This one has been carried by me a few times in a random slip, that won’t be coming with the knife. I am the original owner. It has not been used. There is no wear to note. The blade is a nichols damascus. It’s flush in all three and has a nice, firm, walk and talk.