[NM] Kershaw Dividend M390 - 40 @ $2

Kershaw Dividend M390

Slots/Price: 40 @ $2 = $80

Escrow: /u/Dhero27 for /u/SlowAsDirt



His Description:

  • B for carry

  • Bought new and carried some but never used

  • Strong, snappy action & solid lockup

As usual, Paypal Friends and Family is the only accepted form of payment and please DO NOT put anything in the notes section. If a chosen spot is taken it will be replaced with a random unless you specify otherwise. Please be clear and concise with your spot calls. Please respond to automated PM. Priority mail to US50 included, international winners pay the difference and accept responsibility at the border. As escrow I am willing to proxy to Canada for handies. If you choose this route, responsibility ends at the border as usual. Most knives make it through customs but not all.

Good luck!!!


PayPal Info: [REDACTED]

Tip BoyAndHisBlob

Number of vacant slots: 0

Number of unpaid users: 0

Number of unpaid slots: 0

This slot list is created and updated by The EDC Raffle Tool by BoyAndHisBlob.

1 /u/_r_e_m_i_x_ PAID

2 /u/Church645 PAID

3 /u/DirtyFulke PAID

4 /u/_r_e_m_i_x_ PAID

5 /u/cahobregor PAID

6 /u/novot44 PAID

7 /u/RaiseYourDogers PAID

8 /u/_r_e_m_i_x_ PAID

9 /u/clumzoid PAID

10 /u/_r_e_m_i_x_ PAID

11 /u/DirtyFulke PAID

12 /u/rbbjd PAID

13 /u/DirtyFulke PAID

14 /u/RaiseYourDogers PAID

15 /u/_r_e_m_i_x_ PAID

16 /u/Church645 PAID

17 /u/novot44 PAID

18 /u/_r_e_m_i_x_ PAID

19 /u/RaiseYourDogers PAID

20 /u/RaiseYourDogers PAID

21 /u/_r_e_m_i_x_ PAID

22 /u/rbbjd PAID

23 /u/RaiseYourDogers PAID

24 /u/Church645 PAID

25 /u/RaiseYourDogers PAID

26 /u/_r_e_m_i_x_ PAID

27 /u/DirtyFulke PAID

28 /u/_r_e_m_i_x_ PAID

29 /u/Church645 PAID

30 /u/clumzoid PAID

31 /u/novot44 PAID

32 /u/RaiseYourDogers PAID

33 /u/DirtyFulke PAID

34 /u/RaiseYourDogers PAID

35 /u/novot44 PAID

36 /u/RaiseYourDogers PAID

37 /u/_r_e_m_i_x_ PAID

38 /u/RaiseYourDogers PAID

39 /u/clumzoid PAID

40 /u/rbbjd PAID
