Simeon Custom Knives IcePick - 45@$10

Spots/Price: 45@$10

Total Price: $450

Make and Model: Simeon Custom Knives IcePick

Optional Price Justification/Comparisons: Here's an almost identical one for sale for $665, but its ACK. There's one on Simeon's site for $675. I think $450 feels pretty fair for a lesser known hand made custom with some sweet finishing and a great action.


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Escrow: No


Simeon Custom Knives IcePick. Was used to open mail by previous owner. I can't find a mark and its very very sharp.

Great looking knife with one of the coolest blade finishes I've seen. He calls it "smoked" and it's a dark hand-rubbed finish. The color matches the stonewashed handles and really makes the blue hardware pop. CTS-XHP steel. Action is great and drop shutty, solid lockup. Avoid lots of pressure on the lockbar when you flip it open, or there could be a touch of stick. Normally none. The grind is very unique (typical of his knives), and is actually nice and thin BTE for most of the blade, until it thickens towards the tip. Very comfy handle and an awesome blade/handle ratio.


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Tip BoyAndHisBlob

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