Kenshi Fact of the Day #39
-THE ARROWS LIE!- (And how fast do you really degenerate...?)
When it comes to health an arrow (<) is supposed to insinuate that, that part of your body is worsening. The arrow appears (On your body at least) whenever you have 20 or more combined cut damage/negative bandaged health. If you have two (<<) arrows that usually means you are in critical condition meaning you have over 100% of your maximum health unbandaged. (In terms of cut damage/negative bandaged health)
*I'll cover negative bandaged health another day.
However, the arrow doesn't actually do anything.
"Your Chest needs bandaging but it's not urgent" Poor Peace :(
As a Prince Peace has a maximum health of 80... But his injury worsened without an arrow being shown at first. This is because wound degeneration is not based off a flat value but instead your % maximum health. Although you may see an arrow when playing a race like a Skeleton, until it exceeds 20% of your current maximum health it is not actually worsening. In other words, the arrow just shows up after 20 cut/negative bandaged health. It doesn't actually mean anything other than that. When mousing over it, the game will state otherwise (For instance our health in the screenshot below) but nope, Nothing.
As the displays in game tend to round a bit... Let's use FCS instead.
The actual health values shown above.
As you can see in those 22ish minutes our Greenlander's health worsened by...
- Cut damage%=Health worsened
- 20%=0
- 30%=262.58
- 40%=525.17
- 50%=787.83
- 60%=1,050.4
- 70%=1,313 (A full value. This surprised me man)
- 80%=1,575.59
Now if you look at the results and divide them by the amount of the health that we lost due to wound degeneration at 30% cut damage, you get...
- 40%=2.000038083631655
- 50%=3.000342752684896
- 60%=4.000304669053241
- 70%=5.000380836316551
- 80%=6.000418919948206
I don't think I need to explain these results to you guys. Y'all are pretty smart Now just to be clear this does change a bit once you get near critical health. However, that will have to wait for another time as it's a bit late.
I'll also include 52 minutes later just for fun. You can see that they still match up.
Quick recap...
- < Arrows on body part health show up when you have a combined total of 20 cut/negative bandaged health.
- You can still worsen if your maximum health is low enough even without an arrow, aka Hive Worker Drones, Princes and very young unconscious animals. (To name the playable ones of course)
- Even if an arrow is showing it does not mean wound degeneration is active, unless it EXCEEDS 20% of your maximum health. (Skeletons are examples of this potentially occurring)
- You can still worsen if your maximum health is low enough even without an arrow, aka Hive Worker Drones, Princes and very young unconscious animals. (To name the playable ones of course)
- It seems that the rate at which you worsen has a baseline (1x) at 30% of your maximum health in cut damage.
- Every 10% extra cut damage appears to add +1x onto that.
- So, at 80% cut damage you would worsen 6x faster than at 30%.
- Every 10% extra cut damage appears to add +1x onto that.
- I have not covered critical health (<<) yet or negative bandaged health but just to be clear critical health is a bit different and negative bandaged health.. Well those will both be covered another day as I've stated.