Taking on Reichpakt as Nat France Strategy/builds?

Since someone posted on the subreddit recently about France and how hard it may seem to win as them, I wanted to check whether anyone has any recommendations for strategies or armed forces builds for trying to take on the Reichpakt as National France?

I ask since since I've played multiple games with the tag, but have always abandoned them before getting to the war with Germany due to the issues with taking on the Reichparkt. Initially after National France has capitulated the player is tasked with rebuilding France in order to get access to it's manpower, yet doing so often means that without the pressure on the western front Germany just conquers Russia and eliminates them as a threat. As such, I've faced the task of trying to beat Germany and it's puppets who only need to fight on one front with a well developed armed forces, which has never worked for more than a month.

Does anyone have any recommendations for strategies, tactics or builds to successfully get through or around this issue and actually capitulate Germany and it's allies?