Albums I still haven't heard yet
I really dig this band and have been listening to them almost non-stop since the summer 2024 tour. I know I am stating the obvious, but they have so much music to listen to it's wild. They are one of my favorite bands ever, and there are still "classic" albums I haven't even heard yet:
Albums I know thoroughly : Fishies, Silver Cord, Butterfly, Nonagon, Mind Fuzz, PDA, Flying Microtonal Banana, Flight b741, Ice Death
ALBUMS I HAVE NOT EVEN HEARD YET: Gumboot, Changes, Infest the Rats Nest, KG/LW, MOTU, Polygondwanaland, Sketches, PMDB, anything before Mind Fuzz. I know some of these are highly regarded by this community and I am just really stoked that they are still ahead of me.
Really looking forward to checking those albums out in the coming year! I am almost intentionally taking my time getting to them.....