Tunnel visioning too hard

Hello everyone, wanted bit of advice from fellow junglers. After every game Im left with more questions than answers (why did I throw the lead, why didnt I gank that lane more, why did I afk farm majority of the game, how can I secure objectives/cross map when my timing is not in sync with my laners). Just wanted to ask for your thoughts on how to avoid tunnel visioning with theoretical knowledge (do everything by the book correctly, but fail nonetheless). I try to gank/secure objectives during deadtime and opt to 1 quadrant farming post laning phase, but on macro level I turn into the same clueless laner like the rest of my team. How do you guys adapt in your games?

Here is my op.gg incase its needed (I try to main Vi) https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Better%20Call%20Saul-EUVV

P.S the last 2 games on Vi, the botlane supports were literally running it down like it was a race for first place.

P.S.S Ignore the Lulu games, my friend logged in once in a blue moon to play some games.