Converts to Judaism: How do you balance preserving the traditions of your childhood?
I converted to Judaism before I married my husband 7 years ago. I was raised in a non-religious but culturally Protestant household and my husband’s family immigrated from the Soviet Union. They have a strong sense of Jewish identity but very few Jewish traditions. We now have 3 beautiful children who attend a Jewish school and we live in a highly Jewish area. We do Shabbat every week, celebrate all of the major Jewish holidays, and have generally created a lovely Jewish life.
This time of year, however, I always struggle with the feeling that I’ve lost my own family’s traditions. My mom died in 2019 and there are so many things my parents did with me as a kid that, in another reality, I’d pass along to my own children - baking Christmas cookies and exchanging them with friends and neighbors, making ornaments to memorialize special events, etc. I have her huge collection of decorative Santas (she used to get a new one each year) sitting in boxes in storage. I found a box of her handwritten Christmas treat recipes today and cried.
In a world where Christmas is already so dominant and pervasive, I don’t want to undermine my kids’ sense of Jewish identity, but I wish I could honor the traditions of my own family of origin.
Have any other converts (or spouses of converts) found a way to balance mixed traditions within a fully Jewish home?