Heartbroken to realize that Ningbo is dying first

Last month we all speculated that ch21 was a setup for the 3 next arcs, but we didnt expect to all 3 of these motherfuckers to be involved on the very next arc. That said, we don't know yet how bad the things at the Howler Boat Plot will go, maybe Key West does not even show her stand there. EVEN if Laen Chabangs stand are just the nematodes, it was not directly presented as one.

But you know who already showed their stand? NINGBO. By the usual conventions and fórmulas Jojo uses, its safe to say we are getting into the Ningbo Fight next. And I, as the 16th Ningbo Fan, am terrified that he might die on the next few months. Just. Please, Paco, kill Laen first and allow us to have this beautiful man for a few more chapters!

Last month we all speculated that ch21 was a setup for the 3 next arcs, but we didnt expect to all 3 of these motherfuckers to be involved on the very next arc. That said, we don't know yet how bad the things at the Howler Boat Plot will go, maybe Key West does not even show her stand there. EVEN if Laen Chabangs stand are just the nematodes, it was not directly presented as one.

But you know who already showed their stand? NINGBO. By the usual conventions and fórmulas Jojo uses, its safe to say we are getting into the Ningbo Fight next. And I, as the 16th Ningbo Fan, am terrified that he might die on the next few months. Just. Please, Paco, kill Laen first and allow us to have this beautiful man for a few more chapters!