Does it get better after part 2?

Just read Phantom Blood + Battle Tendency in the last two days.

Have to say, part 2 really sucked. I'm sick of everyone getting jobbed, Lisa Lisa had no good battle, the whole way Ultimate Kars ends up in space was so stupid and disappointing, Araki trying to glow-up the nazis and having Stroheim be a recurring hero, whatever.

I want to catch up and read part 9 while it's current but what is the deal with this

also the fighting games made some characters seem way cooler then they actually were in the Manga (ie. stroheim being a fking nazi. or Joseph shooting the Aja laser as if he ever actually did that)

I don't think flinging Kars into space is a bad idea but the way it happens is so contrived and unnecessary. Araki had unlimited freedom to write anything and that's what he came up with