Are my tips appropriate?

So I recently have started to use IC to order from Total Wine bc I hate having to go there and shop. My orders typically consist of 1 or 2 products that usually add up to $11-$14. The store is 2.5mi from me and my tip is $6-$7 on average due to IC not giving me percentages to tip on these orders and me just selecting the maximum suggested tip. Usually for my larger orders, IC gives me percentage based options and I go off of those, increasing tips after delivery when necessary. I see a lot of tip discourse on this page so that’s why I’m here to ask if my tips are appropriate for my situation, as I’m not looking to short my drivers.

Edit: I did just recently review the tip guide on the page, but I’m still curious, and I should have added that I live in the Bay Area, of CA and I know our costs of living are much higher than other areas of CA and the rest of the country.