Vital Energy Calculator (attempts were made)

so much for retiring from spreadsheet impact...

As a recovering Farming Impact player I uh... somehow ended up making a vital energy tracker to see how long it'll take for me to craft all the sketches I've found + Silvergale:

The answer is... a really long time but hey at least there's something to work with :D

How to use this thing:

  1. Make a copy of the spreadsheet for your own use (File -> Make a Copy if the link doesn't immediately prompt you to make a copy)
  2. Enter your Mira Level, this will affect the calculations for Realm of Escalation and Realm of Nourishment materials.
  3. Enter the number of materials/insight you currently have.
  4. Enter the number of materials/insight you need. For Bouldy materials, the "Needed" list is the sum of the shopping list under "Individual Pieces/Outfits" because I find it a little easier to track by outfit/piece goals. I also colour-coded the header cells to match the attribute for the clothes you're crafting with each Bouldy variant.
  5. All other fields should be automatically calculated afterwards, have fun farming! Note that the total number of weeks for Realm of Breakthrough is dependent on the material you need more time to farm for since you get both Calm and Heartfelt Thoughts each run.