Moving to Indy but on TPN

I am on TPN it is considered life-saving last resort to someone who is unable to eat. Because this is life-saving I cannot wait out the requirement of 30 days of residency before I apply to Medicaid for coverage. My TPN is made through a prescribing pharmacy and I only get one week at a time provided my blood test results show no major changes. I’ve been stable on it for months now so it shouldn’t be a problem. However, my issue is I won’t survive 30 days without it. I can’t even go more than one day without it at all. Would this allow me to qualify for emergency Medicaid? I would think since I can’t live long enough without it to go the whole 30 days of Indiana residency before starting an application and then it could take another few weeks to months to get it approved from there. I would die of starvation before I ever got approved. Could anyone tell me if this would be an emergency application situation? I can’t move until I’m sure and understand Indiana Medicaid benefits. I reside in Colorado and would prefer to stay here but I’ve exhausted everything to save my life and I need to move somewhere else to try to get help hopefully from better access to different and better care. It’s a huge risk and I have no other play. This is my last resort to attempt to save my own life from dying and leaving 2 kids under 10 without a mother at such young ages. Thank you!