Question for women here regarding a situation they maybe are familiar with.
So a few months ago I joined a university club. While there I met two women at two different times. I felt like we had chemistry and became attracted to them. However, both of them were unavailable, which is fair, so I backed off and toned it down. I am no longer attracted to them and really only see them in a platonic way. I don't think I did anything out of line.
Thing is, I'm not sure if they are cool with me. I haven't hung out with them in a really long time and haven't talked to either of them super frequently. I don't really know if I'm acting correctly or not. For all I know, they think that all I wanted was to fuck them and when I found out they were taken, I dropped them.
I also don't want to be a creepy nice guy and insert myself where I'm not wanted.
I wanted to hear from women who have been on the opposite side of this situation. Am I handling this ok? Is there anything I should be doing differently?