IWTYO when I learned you can and should lotion/moisturize your back...

No one ever mentioned it was an option lol 🤷‍♀️

All of my life I just assumed I had some bizarre skin problem no one else had, that caused me to have a dry, itchy back, all the time, that is also prone to horrific breakouts (which I have always been so embarrassed about.)

This winter has been particularly dry and cold, and my skin has been awful to manage... I lotion every other part of my body liberally after showering, which works wonders, so on a whim I thought "why not put some on my back...? I don't see anything on the bottle that says I can't... it's unscented, my face likes it, shouldn't be a problem, right?"

One awkward request to my spouse later and I'm all shmooped up, and wouldn't you know it, basically every problem I had experienced for years was nonexistent within a week.Wtf.

So I googled it. (Could have done that at any time in the past too... 🙄) Apparently this is a VERY normal thing to do. They even make products to help reach your back if you want. What the hell? Lmao, I thought I was doomed to be some dry-back-skinned freak all my life. Nope, just slap some slop on it. Good as new.

I'm an idiot, but I'm learning haha 🤦‍♀️