The PGT wait is killing me!

On December 4th we sent 4 embryos for testing with NextGen. They invoiced me a couple days later so we are all squared up with payment. In the past when we've used NextGen, the results always came in 7-8 days later, and the news would come from our RE by phone call. Now it has been 2 weeks and our RE still hasn't called us. It is eating me up inside and I can't help but think it is bad news all around and they haven't called me because they don't want to ruin my holiday with the news that all 4 embryos are abnormal. But at this point I just need to know. I feel like I am suspended in time. I've had my phone glued to me 24/7 and every time it rings and it's not my doctor I want to scream. The anxiety has been eating me up inside and I can't focus on anything.

Has anyone else used NextGen and had it take this long? I just hate to think that they're not telling us because they don't want to ruin our holiday, when them not telling us is exactly what's ruining my holiday.