is it possible to leave helpdesk at one company and get a infrastructure type role at another?
Currently working on a helpdesk and have 6-7 years helpdesk experience. My problem is I don't have experience in anything other than helpdesk and my issue is that at my company theres zero way to get involved in much else.
I could leave and get in with a company where theres progression, although I cant sit on helpdesk for another 2 years, it will finish me off. Only thing I can think of is trying to get experience from practice labs etc then trying to get into some company as a junior infrastructure/network engineer, perhaps pickup a few certs like N+ and S+? is this a good plan? I dont really want to change jobs only to find myself in the same situation, I feel like getting out of helpdesk is a challenge.. a lot of companies seem to promise progression but when you get there you realise your next step up is a manager who has been there for 20years with no intentions of leaving or Infra guys who grewup together at the company and again have no intentions of leaving.