How dumb am I to want OBGYN residency?

2024 recent graduate, Non-US IMG with a green card. Just starting with the STEPs, but I wanna know if I should even try…I’m really not interested in any other specialty and back in my country I was planning to go into OBGYN to later continue into REI (reproductive endocrinology and infertility). As I’m browsing my options I see that it’s a pretty competitive field to get into, yet I currently have nothing - no USCE, no research and no passed STEPs yet. Best scenario - I pass both STEPs in two years…I’m pretty new and honestly lost at - how to get all that it takes for a residency match. I don’t see anyone here applying for anything other than IM, which I don’t like and I don’t want it to be an only option… Any thoughts? Advice? P.S. Does anybody know any IMG OBGYN residents?